Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Reading "1984" in 2024: A Rambling Rumination

It's long been a commmnplace to attach the Orwellian label to everything  from mass surveillance to censorship to the endless war machine. Centered in a post-capitalist post apocalyptic future, George Orwell's dystopian novel has something for everybody. 

I just finished rereading the book for the fourth or fifith time since I first picked it up as a teenager in the 60s. Back then, I viewed it as the perfect description of the regimented public education system. I saw in the novel a mirror image of my high school, an ugly, dimly lit concrete example of Brutalist architecture. Not for nothing did those of us who fancied ourselves rebels dub it The Brain Factory.

At the time, I didn't pay much attention to ihe name of my school - Indian Hills High, nestled in a white middle class enclave where virtually every street bore the name of an indigenous nation. There was (still is) an Osage Road, a Cherokee Court, a Lenape LLane and Ramapo Avenue. It makes me cringe every time I think about it.

Fast toward 50 years to old age, and now the novel is a whole lot scarier, morphing from what Might Be to what ot Actually Is. 

I'm a lot more class conscious than I was in my youth. I had not really  noticed in in my prior reading how closely Orwell's fictional class system hewed to our own. In just that one respect, "1984" was entirely, eerily prescient. 

The top One Percent was rendered by Orwell as the "Inner Party." Granted, his version of the ruling oligarchy lived much more materially modest lives than our own Billionaire Class. Even Orwell could not have envisioned Jeff Bezos and his ilk.

His "Outer Party," however, bears an uncanny resemblance to what the late Barbara Ehrenreich called the Professional-Managerial Class: the upper 10 or 15 percent of the population serving the top One Percent 

The novel's antihero, Winston Smith, is very much an integral part of the PCM. Toiling away in the Ministry of Truth, He's the very model of our own modern day corporate media, whose dual function is to destroy the inconvenient past and to mold an alternate reality for the mass consumption of even the lowest rung in the hierarchy known as the "proles." In so doing, these Outer Party members must carefully suppress their own dissenting viewpoints, if any, if they want to survive. Winston Smith, as a careerist member of the PCM media division, was very careful in the beginning to toe the Party line himself, hoping that the Proles would be the ones rise up and revolt. I  can envision dozens of Winston Smiths sitting in their New York Times cubbyholes,, stealthily editing  articles that are, say, not entirely friendly to the establishment. Down the Memory Hole go all narratives referring to Occupied Gaza and Israel's 75 year old history of ethnic cleansing of the native population. The Israeli army obliterating that hospital? Never ven happened. There is now "confidence" from anonymous sources in the Inner Party that Hamas destroyed it with a stray missile.

 Dissenters to Party orthodoxy in Orwell's novel are relegated to the Ministry of Love for deprogramming. In real life, they are similarly disappeared, either by censorship or being  fired from a media job. The thought police ensure that free-thinkers are simply never invited to the panel discussions of Inner Party elites which pose as reporting and journalism.

Orwell's novel describes regular Two-Minute Hate sessions as well as more elaborate Hate Weeks for the masses of proles. For our part, we have Cancel Culture and endless political campaign seasons. And don't forget Shark Week.

 We have tightly orchestrated and controlled elections to put even a faint gloss of democracy on our own de facto oligarchy We in the USA still have a uniparty system divided into two factions, Republicans and Democrats. These factions disagree only around the edges, and mainly in matters of popular culture. For example, if Taylor Swift endorses Joe Biden, Republicans say it spells the end of democracy.

 Proles are urged to blame one bickering party faction or the other, and then to pull the lever accordingly every two and four years to vote against something or someone  - before everything stays the same. The main function of  the Uniparty both in Orwell's fiction and in our own reality, is to divide and conquer the proles, imposing on them an austerity so rigid that it forces them to fight each other for the crumbs.

. The ruler of Orwell's Party is an entity called Big Brother. Nobody has ever actually seen this personage in the flesh, probably because he doesn't actually exist iin the flesh.  He is mainly an Idea. a personification of the permanent ruling Structure. In our "reality-based" version, we're treated to a revolving cast of paternalistic leaders - ReaganBushClintonBushObamaTrumpBiden to name just the most recent actors - who all meld into one blob if you stop to think about it. And the Inner Party is perfectly fine with it. They want you to think of presidents  as personifications of the ideal of the United States of America. Why else would Joe Biden kick off his re-election campaign by evoking George Washington? Continuity of propaganda narrative is all they have to offer.

Just speaking for myself, every time my mind tries to conjure up an image of Joe Biden, I I keep getting the face of Bush the Younger. Maybe it's their similar beady little eyes. Maybe it's the similar contrived folksy demeanors trying to cover up their brutal neoconservative thirst for permanent global hegemony. Maybe it's their low I.Q. fanaticism.

Trump was labeled senile when he confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. But aren't they too similar for comfort, each acid-tongued  lady adopting a phony feminist persona with which to scold the Patriarchy in service to the Patriarchy? .

So they want us to think that Election12024 is a consequential death match for democracy or dictatorship, or whatever turns you on. But all it really is,  is an intra-oligarchic brawl between Trump and Biden as persons and party  leaders. It is really about the Inner Party making one of its periodic efforts to win the consent of the governed to give themselves a facade of legitimacy. They don't even much care that those of us in the prole category are increasingly onto their con, particularly those proles born after the brutal final stage of Neoliberal Capitalism. Young people never bought into the quaint and very cruel promise of the American Dream - a concept which had kept their elders more or less asleep these past 40 or 50 years. Now even more elders are beginning to wake up.

It's refreshing that every time Joe Biden gives a campaign speech trying to gin up hate for his opponent, people are showing up to call him out for the genocide in Gaza. His feeble efforts at Orwellian "doublethink" - as, for example,  he claims to champion the reproductive rights of American women at the same time he destroys the reproductive rights of Palestinian women by killing them. This gross display of gross contradictory messaging is not being lost on those dismissed as proles by the Inner Party and their Outer Party sycophants. They are finding it increasingly hard, as Orwell wrote, to be  "competent, industrious and even intelligent within narrow limits" but at the same time to be "credulous and ignorant fanatic(s) whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, adulation and orgiastic triumph."

"All that is needed is that a state of war should exist.... It is precisely in the Inner Party that war hysteria and hatred of the enemy are strongest... No Inner Party member wavers for an instant in his mystical belief that the war is real."

It reminds me of how often Biden and Antony Blinken and Nancy Pelosi and their mutual Partiers get so emotional whenever they boast about their "unwavering" and "unshakeable" support for a genocide they pretend is a war between two equal combatants. 

It's a wonder their heads don't explode with all that double-thinking effort. Maybe it's because their brains have already collapsed in upon themselves without anybody even noticing.

 Whenever I try to imagine what they could possibly be thinking all I can come up with is is a vast, yawning morass devoid ,of all life and all intellect. 


  1. I'm trying to make sense of the title, 1984. Not quite forty years after the book's publication (1949). I was assigned to read it at 14, in eighth grade (1965). It was called the literature of warning. It was claimed that it's model and inspiration was Stalin's Soviet Union, first a WW II U S ally and afterward it's mortal enemy. I've never come upon a connection made between 1984 and the McCarthy era, but the thematic link of persecuting enemies of the state is hard to avoid. I would venture that we have yet not an inkling of the eventual consequences to our lives of the ubiquity of monitoring devices still in development. Wouldn't you like to know how much of our defense budget is for research into things like "Pegasus"?
    We impressionable kids were supposed to feel oh so lucky that we didn't and never would live in a world like 1984. Almost twenty years later after my reading it, 1984 arrived for real. There was my cold sweat when Ronald Reagan won his second term with 49 states. Our first totally celebrity puppet of the plutocracy president. That moment isn't yet understood. Sorry Orwell wasn't there to report on it.

  2. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


  3. A connection made between the McCarthy witch hunts and 1984 would be quite novel considering Orwell named names.

    "And so we go on inventing Voltaire. Another dictum that has recently gained wide currency on the web is this: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

    Now regularly attributed to Voltaire, this saying seems to originate with something written in 1993 by Kevin Alfred Strom, an American neo-Nazi Holocaust denier, and not a man who obviously exudes Voltairean wit and irony. But once you become an authority, it seems, all sides have a claim on you."


  4. "Nancy Pelosi’s Rant Against Cease-Fire Supporters Will Hurt Biden’s 2024 Campaign.
    The ex-speaker’s 'delusional' attack insults millions of voters —
    and reveals the scorching ignorance of top Democrats about the depth of opposition to Israel’s war."
    Jan. 29, 2024 ~ by John Nichols

    “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
    – Yogi Berra

    However, it is not inconceivable that Trump will not be the Republican presidential candidate, and if that should happen, Biden is doomed to defeat. No matter how repugnant
    every Republican is, revulsion against Biden, like it was against Hillary Clinton, is not recognized by the corporate party elite.
    Yet even if Trump endures like a zombie, Biden by his metastasizing foreign wars and the Willow oil drilling go ahead has lost a critical mass of people who voted for him in 2020.
    So, unless a truly viable independent candidate emerges, the Amerikan (intentionally so spelled) Empire will bring its malignancy back home.

    “We've got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don't fight racism with racism. We're gonna fight racism with solidarity.”
    ~ Fred Hampton, "I Am A Revolutionary: Fred Hampton Speaks"

    Remember how the police state dealt with him.

  5. >>>—watch & listen to this beautifully brilliant analysis—>

    Noura Erakat: Colonial law and the erasure of Palestine —
    For a century, international law derived from British colonial rule has been premised on the non-existence of Palestinians as a people.

    February 2, 2024 ~ by Chris Hedges
    In Palestine, the law has been used as a tool of oppression to legitimize and advance the dispossession of the Palestinian people for more than a century. From the theft of Palestinian land by legal mechanisms to the non-recognition of Palestinians as a people with the inalienable right of self-determination, the law is yet another weapon wielded against the Palestinian people by Israel and its patrons. Activist, attorney, and Rutgers University professor Noura Erakat joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the use of lawfare against Palestine and her new book, Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine.

  6. To me, the similarities of 1984 and 2024 are terrifying. What insight on the part of Orwell in 1949 to have predicted so many things about our government, and Western governments in general, that have come to pass.

    I just read an article in Naked Capitalism on the EU Digital Services Act that is positively chilling. The only reason we are not completely propagandised (and many/most are, nonetheless) is because of Alternative (Free) Media that is reader supported. It sounds like the EU is rushing to get its foot in the door to stop it.

    I feel that every time the good people seem to make progress, the governments and the Masters of the Universe and their collaborators hit us from another direction. It is depressing.

  7. Great piece, Karen. Your "rambling rumination" is right on target. We have truly entered very dark times. Thankfully we still have blogs like Sardonicky and news sites like Scheerpost and others that can provide coverage of social and political events that aren't "sanitized" for our consumption (of course that isn't guaranteed for the future).

    You're right, it's getting harder for the "inner party" to hide the government/media con job. Our government could easily become more repressive in years to come. It certainly happened during the World War I era.

    Does anyone still find the movie Dr. Strangelove funny? It was a great "dark comedy" from the sixties but comedy can change with the times. I think I once found it funny but now it seems more like something that could happen, especially given the possibility of an all consuming world war. I'll try to stay positive.


  8. Well, the feminists I grew up with liked to say that while it is a shame that our rulers insist on subjecting us to double-think, fortunately it is not that hard to double un-think it.

  9. Re: "Masters of the Universe" (The title of a book by Daniel Stedman that became a meme).

    "Trump is the deep state he pretends to fight." Sarah Kendzior.

    Orwell, as a novelist, shared that dystopian stage with Aldous Huxley (Brave New World), which I never read. B N W is not as famous or quoted as 1984, but it's familiar for describing a society oppressed not by a centralized political power, but more of a diffuse social control by a helpless dependency on technology, chemistry, and psychological manipulation. The novels are similar in depicting a future humanity in a new dark age, under a relentless power structure that thrives by promising freedom while obliterating it. Some concede that our future is a combination of both.

    The protagonist, Winston, comes to the 1984 plot climax, when he and his lover Julia (also outer party) retreat into a remote garret for their tryst, surreptitiously, because it's illegal. Privacy there is obliterated for repressive conformity purposes. They feel safe and intimate in this hovel, until the heart stopping moment when a hanging picture drops from its hook to reveal a 2-way "telescreen". A voice from it starts barking orders to the violators. In the movie version, an enforcement helicopter appears outside their window.

    My recollection of this scene was provoked in me by a current Guardian article ( about the evils of Facebook/Meta and its ilk. In it there's a link to a years old article about Shoshana Zuboff (investigator of "surveillance capitalism), and that, in turn, links to an older article by George Monbiot about the origins and ideology of neoliberalism. A narrative develops between the three. The elite neoliberal consensus (Nobel Prize!) creates rich, far right institutions that, to me, are the equivalent of Orwell's inner party. They provide the memes and slogans for the far right candidates selected by them.

    I've wondered why Auden said in 1939 poem, "There is no such thing as the State". It feels like his terminal disillusionment with politics "Obsessing our private lives;" over an abstract human construct. As we see now, one side's utopia is the other side's dystopia for the nation. What I'm watching is the remnants of that world between WWII and 1984 eroding away. There's an insufficiency of power among us who wish for a solidarity of beneficent human community. We're being pauperized both politically and economically. We would be happy with a modicum of comfort, stability, and peace for everyone. That isn't actually asking for a lot. Yet the forces of reason are steadily losing ground to the forces of violent subjugation. Aren't they inversely proportional?

    In 1984, the political theater of perpetual military violence was integral to controlling the mind of the population. Neoliberalism created the alleged Chinese menace and the asylum seeking waves of humanity at the border. That is now fodder for rallying the proles to their side. I don't feel secure in my comments, I often feel inadequate, but the times are upon us when even the least of us who hear their conscience cannot remain silent.

  10. Straight outta Orwell.

    'Hackers can still spy on you even if you cover the webcam. Here’s how' - Ambient light sensors in smartphones could pose unexpected privacy risks.'

    At first glance, ambient light sensors appear harmless. They measure the brightness around you, automatically dimming your screen in sunlight or brightening it in darker settings for optimal viewing. However, the researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have found that these sensors can capture images of what’s happening in front of them, without the need for a camera. It’s a huge privacy risk that has remained under the radar until now.

  11. If you want to have your heart broken yet again, see the testimony of Dr Tariq Haddad on Monday's 2/5 One of his child relatives killed in Gaza looks like a Botticelli portrait. There are moments when this episode is more painful than can be borne. Talk about never forget, this is it. It must be kept alive and active until something happens, I can't tell what yet, but no letting go. I'd like to write to Dr Haddad to tell him that for 74 years I've passively been a complete nobody, but because of this I feel the need to be somebody. It glares at me now how I allowed myself to be seduced into a materially satisfied existence. But as the body begins to wear out, I came to the understanding that everyone of us is a carrier and conduit of values. All the world IS a stage from which you can't afford to abstain. From what I've seen, the training here is overwhelming to become an earn and consume cog in the capitalist machinery. But this level of outrage gives us no choice but to try to play a larger role in shaping humanity. This behemoth thing we call the commercial "media" has been irreparably exposed as nefariously controlled for propaganda purposes. We've been looked down upon by them as fools, having us salivating at their seductive ads so to obstruct the question: What is really going on here? It's taken this much for us to pose this question unrelentingly.

  12. Ignorance is strength. Freedom is slavery. War is peace.

    I, too, re-read "1984" every 8-10 years, and each time I notice more and more details that parallel our current world. Like police spy drones.

  13. "Because the only way this doesn’t all end in an extremely ugly and dystopian scenario is if we get through to those “Good New Normals.” I’m not talking about trying to convince them of anything, or winning arguments about “the virus,” or “vaccines,” or Israel, or Trump, or calling them names. I am talking about confronting them with what they are doing. I’m talking about short-circuiting their mental programming — even if just for a few fleeting seconds — by holding an accurate mirror up to them, and forcing them to look directly into it, and recognize what it is they’ve become."

    CJ Hopkins - 'The Irresistible Rise of the New Normal Reich'

  14. Disgusted in AustraliaFebruary 8, 2024 at 2:55 AM

    Jeremy Scahill has an excellent article over at the Intercept on Israel's propaganda machine Its all the lies we all knew were lies but because the Biden Administration and its stenographers over at the NYT reported they were true - well, all my Democratic friends saw no reason to be sceptical.

    Scahill is interviewed on Democracy Now on this article.

    Both are worth a listen.
