Friday, February 9, 2024


Who cares if Joe Biden thinks that he took tea with Marie Antoinette at the Kremlin just the other day? Who cares if he forgets bombing countries with whom we are not actually at war? 

The president is, after all, nothing but a simulacrum or figurehead of power. The real power is invested in his representatives, who represent the corporations and billionaires who own the place.

To show that Biden as a personage doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of these malevolent schemers, loyal pundits like Paul Krugman are falling all over themselves bragging that despite their high intelligence, they forget the year that their own mother died.  So how dare the special prosecutor take the name of Biden's dead son in vain as an example of how senile the president is? I mean, who in their righteous mind hasn't forgotten when they were the vice president of a whole country, o even whether they still might even might still be the vice president of the United States?

Here's my take on ForgetGate. Biden, drawing upon his past feat of graduating near the bottom of his law school class but at a press conference decades later advancing himself to summa cum laude status, was simply perpetrating another con on a different panel of inquisitors. Only this time, he thought he could score points by dminishing himself. Granted that he is diminished, he chose to exaggerate his brain fog as a criminal defense strategy.

 The trouble was, his testimony was a bit over the top, even for him, even a bit sarcastic. He  was acting very passive-aggressively toward his interrogators.

It sure saved hhim the trouble of invoking the fifth amendment against self-incrimination. He probably figured the special prosecutor would simply do a wink-and-nod and release a brief report stating that the theft of classified material did not rise to the level pf a prosecutable crime.

This is the Old Boys Club, of which Biden has been a proud member iin good standing for nearly half a century!

It backfired on him, of course. When you're running for re-election, it's much more preferable to be charged with a crime than to be labeled senile. Just ask Donald Trump, who is so busy with myriad court cases that he barely has time to hold a campaign rally. And if he is off the campaign trail, he has less opportunity to exhibit his own senility.  Dementia and crime are canceling each other right out, in Trump's case. It also helps him when the Supreme Court seems poised to to demolish the Democrats' "lawfare" shenanigans to keep him off the ballot.

I still think Biden will drop out right before or even during the Democratic convention this summer.  That way, the corporations and billionaires, either in  person or via their paid superdelegates, can nominate his successor by undemocratic acclaim. If they have an ounce of sense, this is what they will do. And that is a big "if." The task will be to keep their rusting windup toy well-oiled with medication and well-scripted to stay on message for several more months. First lady Jill will never be far away in a futile effort to swat away any elder abuse allegations along with those pesky "Genocide Joe" epithets hurled against her hubby.

Putting Joe into the retirement home for Aging War Criminals will be delicate undertaking not least because they will also have to find a way of retiring Kamala Harris from the ticket. So I assume they will nominate a woman for either their number one or number two. I am currently betting on Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She could well salvage the state for the Dems if only she can convince the anti-Biden Palestinian bloc that she is not also in Israel's pocket. That is another big If.

 And Joe Biden will get an unforgettable sendoff for putting the country before his incredible career of championing genocide,  writing racist crime bills, putting more immigrants into solitary confinement and deporting them than even his xenophobic predecessor did.


  1. It's apropos to "bet" on who the DNC will pick to replace "dementia Joe" even if only metaphorically, since the supreme imperial circus, fittingly labeled with Roman numerals, is being held in Las Vegas this year, and never mind the cost of bread.
    Accordingly, as Rod Serling would say, submitted for your approval, are these:

    "Patriots owner Robert Kraft buys $7 million pro-Israel Super Bowl ad during Gaza genocide —
    The billionaire, personal friend and financier of Trump, and owner of the New England Patriots has a long record of business deals and political support for Israel."

    February 7, 2024 ~ by Dave Zirin

    Last year made "Super Bowl history", as the story then proclaimed, by featuring an all-female navy aviation ream conducting a flyover at Super Bowl LXVII.

    L7 ~ "Wargasm" - live in Rio (Kurt & Courtney on stage) - Jan. 1993

    "Wargasm, wargasm, one, two, three
    Tie a yellow ribbon ’round the amputee
    Masturbate, watch it on TV
    Crocodile tears for the refugee …
    Body bags and dropping bombs
    The Pentagon knows how to turn us on"

    George Carlin ~ baseball vs. football


  2. “Worst-Case Scenario”: Noura Erakat on Israel’s Looming Invasion of Rafah —
    February 12, 2024

    Noura Erakat: Colonial law and the erasure of Palestine —
    For a century, international law derived from British colonial rule has been premised on the non-existence of Palestinians as a people.
    February 2, 2024 ~ by Chris Hedges

    Israel destroyed my university. Where is the outrage?
    Dr. Ahmed Alhussaina, Vice President of the now-destroyed al-Israa University, speaks out against Israel’s systematic targeting of Palestinian educational and cultural institutions.
    February 9, 2024 ~ by Chris Hedges

  3. It is baffling that the DNC is sticking with Biden. The only thing I can think of is that they are letting him do all their dirty work with the genocide of Palestine, therefore keeping the Israeli Lobby happy (and buying six extra months to kill, kill, kill) before dumping Joe / pushing him out and blaming him for America's part in the Palestinian Genocide and the disaster in Ukraine. They will pull out his replacement and say, "See, Gretchen had nothing to do with Biden's unfortunate mistakes."

    Even my brother, who voted for Trump (twice) said The Donald has completely lost the plot - not that he is going to vote for Dementia Joe - He'll probably find a Libertarian to vote for.

    It is emblematic of what our country has been reduced to (of its own volition, mind you) that we have two evil, senile, conscienceless men running against each other for POTUS and almost our entire Congress is bought and paid for by a foreign country and readily does its bidding.

    On an inspiring note, I just heard the Tucker Carlson interview with Russell Brand. (Something that reminded me of @Annenigma - so I hope she has seen it by now.) Amazingly, Tucker is growing on me - for one thing, he has learned to shut up and let his intellectual betters do the lion's share of the talking. Who cares what Tucker thinks most of the time (with the exception of his anti-war stance)? I want to hear from his guests, Putin and Brand. The reason I mention the interview is that Brand is so articulate and insightful in describing what is going on in the world of politics - yet, in the end, leaves the audience with a sense of hope. He believes good people on both sides of the political spectrum have more in common - starting with a desire for genuine freedom, decency and care for others - than we have differences.

    I encourage you all to check it out. If nothing else, it will take your mind off of the horrors of Palestine and the twin idiots vying for the title of POTUS 2024.

  4. When I sit for a meal, I think of the Palestinian who is without it. Who has been long without it so that he no longer feels hunger. I swallow my food along with the shame.

    I take a drink and I think of the Palestinian who hasn't seen clean water in a long time. Does thirst abate with dehydration? I sip again and taste it along with the shame.

    I undress for bed and think of the Palestinian who lies under rubble instead of a blanket. The bed is soft, but the shame makes it hard to sleep.

    Everytime I rinse some fruit, wash some dishes, or even flush, I estimate the Palestinians that that water could have kept from dehydration or dysentery. I have the fruit but it tates of shame.

    Stepping out I sense the air is cool and the absence of a bullet fired at me; sense the sunlight without the flash of explosives, but the air is heavy with shame.

    Then I see a neighbor passing her doorman. I can't seem to greet her as I always have. And they don't seem to either.

  5. All USA citizens have in Congress one representative in the House and two in the Senate, plus a President, who can (and should) be reached for comment.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
    ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Biden’s Support for Israel’s War May Cost Him Reelection —
    February 08, 2024

    Global defence spending rises 9% to record $2.2tn —
    Budgets expected to increase further amid ‘deteriorating security landscape’ triggered by invasion of Ukraine.
    11 February 2024 ~ by Dan Sabbagh, Defence and security editor
    Overall, the US remains easily the largest global military spender, with a budget of $905.5bn in 2023, in dollar terms more than the next 15 countries combined, including second-placed China on $219.5bn and Russia, which is third.

    "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."
    ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

  6. I keep asking myself, was our government always this corrupt? Or is it that I am now just realising it? Because it seems like it is getting worse. Those in power are blatantly feeding off the defenceless. It is conscienceless.

    Like Mario, I think of the Palestinians and their terror and suffering all the time. I just think it would be wrong for me to not bear witness. I would feel like I was abandoning those vulnerable souls if I stopped remembering what is happening to them.

    And I hate Genocide Joe and his genocidal administration and all those apologists for Biden and the Democrats.

    I just went over to Glenn Greenwald's site and listened to the segment on the IDF soldiers that are bragging on some social media channel about what they are doing to the Palestinians (and Glenn didn't even mention the supposed "snuff films" where one soldier, at least, asked if the viewers could hear the bones break). What I found unfathomable were all the comments and attacks directed at Glenn. Are these Zionists so completely brainwashed or are they without any ability to self-reflect? Don't they worry about looking like total hypocrites or are they so living in their echo chambers that they have completely lost touch with reality? One person even went on about beheaded babies and rape as a weapon of war, etc - everything that has been debunked.

    I am weary and sick at heart - and I wish I had JayOttawa to write to. Like Ralph Nader, he was strong and moral and wise and he somehow managed not to let the evil in the world drag him into the abyss. I am Missing JayOttawa right now.


  7. Anyone with moral consciousness and a shred of conscience must feel shame and revulsion at the genocide the USA is aiding and abetting Israel against Palestinians in Gaza, as well as its rampant, outrageous, imperial hegemony around the world. But only by speaking out against that can one responsibly react and endure the crimes being committed by the USA without being complicit in those.

    “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.”
    ~ Edward Abbey
