Thursday, September 19, 2024

How the Times SugarcoatsTerrorism

 If its coverage of the explosions in Lebanon of  booby-tapped pagers and radios hasn't been implicitly admiring of Israel's technical "prowess" in causing at least two dozen deaths and thousands of gruesome injuries, the New York Times added insult to injury by proclaiming that Hezbollah militants are feeling mighty "embarrassed" for having been such unwitting dupes of Israel.

In framing the atrocity in in such a "was my face red!" manner, the Times has tried to deflect readers' attention from the actual blood streaming down all those faces and from the fact that many of the victims literally had their faces blown right off their skulls.

I thought I was beyond feeling shock and disgust at how the pro-Zionist New York Times regularly dehumanizes the targets of this settler-colonialist apartheid state. But its coldly clinical coverage Israel's latest sadistic mass murder went beyond the pale, even for the Times. The Gray Lady has exposed herself in all her ghoulish nakedness.

Nowhere in the rapidly dwindling  coverage does the paper describe the carnage as an act of terrorism On the contrary, it is an act of counterterrorism.  You see, It's only terrorism if Arabs and Muslims do it. Or maybe if a white guy like Putin does it. I can assure you that the coverage would be very different if Russia had sent explosive devices to Ukraine and thousands of innocent people had been torn apart.

So the Lebanon massacre must be downplayed at all costs. One article headlined "Waves of Small Explosions Cause Chaos Inside Hezbollah" served both to minimize the horrific injuries and to give the false impression that only militants were injured. Israel apparently possesses so much technical prowess that the throngs of passersby were magically erased right out of the picture. As is its wont, however, the Times did deign to mention the death and funeral of one child.

As "eye-catching" as  the carnage (Israeli prowess) certainly was,  writes reporter  Patrick Kingsley in another article published on Wednesday, the usual experts in the statecraft biz are very confused as to why Israel has not capitalized" on it. It was a tactical success but not the ultimate victory over the entire Middle East that warmongers of all nations crave.

Because if nothing else, Kingsley grotesquely writes, the mass slaughter in Lebanon "has restored some of the prestige and aura that Israel’s intelligence agencies lost on Oct. 7, when Hamas led a surprise attack on Israel that the Israeli military failed to predict or prepare for." (Sadly, the nearly year-long genocide in Gaza has failed to impress the more discerning among connoisseurs of cruelty as not being sufficiently prestigious.)

That Israel has foresworn bragging rights is just the Times being its cute disingenuous self again. Why would Israe boast and dish on all the details when it has as its partner  the United States do it for them? For the most powerful and lethal fighting and intelligence force the world has ever known and feared, the US sources dishing to the Times certainly seemed instantly aware of every detail of the planting of explosives in the hand-held devices, despite their claims of having no knowledge of the booby-trapped devices and terror attacks in advance.

The terror is, of course, the whole point. If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere. It can happen to us. It's just a short step from surveilling us and censoring us to physically mangling us. Look at  how easily, to give you just one example, that the FBI was able to  crack iPhone security without Apple's help.

I don't think  I was being overly paranoid when I fleetingly wondered why my iPad gave out a cheery little ding the other day.


Books don't explode, thank goodness, despite the reactionaries wanting to ban them. So I am reading a lot these days, fiction and nonfiction. This passage from a book by James Baldwin that I just finished really hit a nerve in me, so allow me to share it with you:

"The wretched of the earth do not decide to become extinct. they resolve, on the contrary, to multiply. Life is their only weapon against life, life is all they have. This is why the dispossessed and starving will never be convinced (though some may coerced) in hte population control programs of the civilized. I have watched the dispossessed and starving laboring on the fields which others own, with their transistor radios on their ear, all day long: so they learn, for example, along with equally weighty matters, that the Pope, one of the heads of the civilized world. forbids to the civilized that abortion which is being, literally, forced on them. the wretched. quite coldly and deliberately. znd do not intend to change the satus quo; they are responsible for their slaughter and enslavement' rain down their bombs on defenseless children whenever and wherever they decide that their "vital interests" are menaced. and think nothing of torturing a man to death: these people are not to be taken seriously when they speak of the "sanctity" of human life. or the 'conscience' of the civilized world There  is 'sanctity' involved with bringing a child into this world: it is better than bombing one out of it. Dreadful indeed it is to see a starving child, but the answer to that is not to prevent the child's arrival, but to restructure the world so that the child can live in it: so that the 'vital interest'' of the world becomes nothing less than the life of the child."

Thursday, September 12, 2024

De Bait & Switch '24

It was Kamala Harris For the Oligarch People all the way on Tuesday night.  With taunt after taunt, platitude after platitude, she utterly destroyed Donald Trump's portrait of her as a Marxist Commie radical. Beyond any reasonable doubt, she established her right-wing cred as both a neoliberal and a neoconservative.

  It has taken gallons of the recombinant political DNA of Dick Cheney, Barack Obama and both Clintons to create the ultra-processed finished product known as Kamala Harris.

But even her skilled verbal waterboarding of Trump has left barely a dent in the admittedly unreliable national polls.

Here's a highly condensed analytic version of the official courtroom transcript:

ABC's David Muir(DM): Welcome to the high stakes showdown in the presidential sweepstakes horserace. As they face each other for the first time, they 're neck-and-neck, which makes actually facing each other physically impossible. But never mind all that. It's the foaming and the snorting and the frothing that count in these political spectacles.

ABC's Linsey Davis : And I am the token female sidekick.

Muir: Vice President Harris, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?

KH: So to avoid answering your question, I was raised as a middle class kid. And I am the only one on this stage who has a plan to lift up middle class people such as myself, unlike Doonald Trump who never talks about anyone but himself. So my plan is to build an Opportunity Economy which is simply a rehash of neoliberal bootstraps and ladders and stuff. So I want to help families buy a crib and a car seat, which are pathways to access to a house and a car. I will give a $5,000 tax deduction to small business start-ups.  Unlike Trump, who will impose a 20 percent sales tax on cribs and car seats And don't forget Project 2025.

Muir: Trump, you get two minutes to take the bait.

DT: Nah, it's not a sales tax, i's tariffs and they've kept them in place. It's me and me against the world. I am going to make other countries pay us back. They are sending us millions of people from their prisons and stealing jobs from Blacks and Hispanics and unions. They are taking over towns and buildings and stealing people's cats and dogs and eating them. They are destroying the pet population of the whole country.

DM: The fact checking machine in my ear has instantly checked  and reports that not one single cat or dog has been eaten. Now, Kamala, would you care to respond on the economy?

KH: Trump left us the worst economy since the Great Depression. Even though the unemployment was nowhere near the 25  percent it was then, this lie will pass right over your selective fact checkers who are still stuck on dead cats being stolen from single women.  Not only that, Trump's capitol riot was the worst attack on the country since the Civil War. Worse than even than 9/11 which viewers might remember used to be a holy day of obligation Now, Jan. 6th is. We must not lett our jingoistic holidays separate us.

DT: I have nothing to do with Project 25, I never even read it because I am not a reader and she knows it, okay? I am not going to read it because everybody knows I am an open book. The only jobs they got back were bounce-back jobs. Those are jobs that bounce. I threw them my balls and they grabbed them and then they took all the credit. 

DM: Kamala?

KH: He doesn't have a plan. I have a plan to create an Opportunity Economy which is the same thing as Obama's Ladders of Opportunity. You climb the ladders and you get to my land of opportunity. Goldman Sachs. which I won't mention  wrecked the economy before Obama rewarded them, says that Donald Trump will wreck the economy.

DT: I wemt to the Wharton School of Business. They say my plan is a brilliant plan. I am going to create a lot of good solid money for our comp - er, our country.  At least I will make them want to create jobs if not make actual jobs

Muir: Trump, I want to drill down and go to bat for Kamala and make her argument that your tariffs are really taxes. Your plan will make things costlier for average Americans. Do you believe Americans can afford your tariffs?

DT: I had no inflation. They have inflation.

Muir: Kamala, let's keep this debate focused on scaring people about Trump's evil tariffs.

:KH: Let's be clear. Since Joe Biden and I kept Trump's tax breaks for the rich in place, I will change the subject and mention that he sold chips to China that they're using for their military which will attack us because of him. Trump actually thanked Xi in a Tweet. This puts a real damper on our war plans. Plus China not transparent about being the origin of COVID!

Muir: The fact checker is taking a nap in my ear. Trump, you may respond.

DT: She's a Marxist. She is letting millions and millions of illegals into our country. They are criminals. They are bad for our country.

Linsey: Let's talk about abortion .Trump, Kamala says you keep flip flopping

DT: The previous governor of West Virginia said we can execute babies after they're born. And I say that is not OK.

Muir: My fact checker just woke up and tells me there is no state where it is legal to kill a newborn. Kamala, please respond.

KH: I am not surprised that that is a fact. Donald Trump is telling a woman what to do with her body. He will sign a national abortion ban. He will monitor your pregnancies, your marriages.

DT: There will no national abortion ban. It would never pass Coongress. And abortion reminds me of student loans. 

Muir: We might as well get back to immigration. Kamala?

KH: We were ready to sign the cruelest border law in history. But Donald Trump killed the bill. You should go to his rallies. He talks about fictional characters, whereas I have prosecuted human traffickers and drug dealers who actually exist. You will not hear him talk about your desires. I, on the other hand, will pledge to put your first, before his windmills that cause cancer.

DT: Sure, I'll take your bait. People don't go to her rallies. And the ones that do go, she's busing them and paying them. I have the most incredible rallies in the history of rallies. We are a failing nation, people want their country back. Look at the towns. They're eating our cats.

Muir: There are no dead cats.

DT: But people on television say there are dead cats beiing used for food.

KH: Talk about extreme! So I will. More than 200 Republicans including Dick Cheney say that America will never survive a Trump term.

DT: I fire bad people. You never fire bad people. Let me add I got more votes than anybody in history by far.

Muir: Will you go door to door rounding up deportees? What does this look like?

DT: Yeah, millions of terrorists, drug dealers. They have destroyed our fabric. All over the world crime is down except for here. And if the FBI says crime is down they're not looking at the worst cities.

KH: Well, I think this is so rich, coming from a criminal prosecuted for national security interference and found liable for rape with his next big court appearance in November. So let us move forward and address the housing crisis and support start-ups. Let us address groceries. The American people are tired of the same old playbook.

DT: You're weaponizing the court system against me. I will win on appeal. This is called lawfare. RussiaRussia Russia.

KH: No, Trump is the one who threatens to arrest political enemies. We must stop him.

Linsey: What about your flip flops, Kamala - on fracking, border decriminalization, buybacks of assault weapons. We will not mention your reversal on Medicare For All because our corporate sponsors in the insurance cartel forbid it.

KH: If we pollute our air and water here, we don't have to rely on foreign polluters over there. I was raised by a hard working mother and I wasn't handed $400 million on a silver platter. Didja really think I can't play shallow defense and lob non sequiturs as well as my opponent? Plus I am a gun owner, so there!

DT: She wants to win Pennsylvania where I almost got my head blown off thanks to democrats. If she wins., fossil fuel will be dead.

Muir: Let's rehash January Sixth.

(They proceed to sling the hash with abandon)

Muir: Madam Veep, Trump says he did not lose the last election.

KH: Let us be perfectly Nixonically clear. Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. The whole world is laughing at Donald Trump;

Trump: I just cannot resist this delicious bait. Victor Orban doesn't laugh at me, so there! The whole world is afraid of me and they need me. We got 14 million votes. She got zero votes.

Muir: And now to Israel-Hamas

KH: Let me repeat my unwavering support for Israel. All those women who were so horribly raped, as opposed to being run of the mill raped. And even when I am here on this stage, I am there working around the clock for a two state solution knowing full well that the time for such a solution is long past.

Muir: Trump, would you negotiate with Hamas?

DT: She hates Israel. And if I were president, the Ukraine war would never have started.

KH: He talks to Putin! He talks to Kim Jong-un. He has no regard for our military, the most lethal greatest fighting force the world has ever known. The world must fear us, not laugh at us.

DT: We shouldn't be playing with World War III. But thanks to ABC for not asking me why I ripped up the nuclear weapons treaty back when I was such a global laughingstock.

(De Bait and Switch meanders along in much the same redundant way. I think you get the exhausting drift.)

To make it even sadder than it already was, Taylor Swift did not endorse Kamala until the show was over. She deprived the Veep of bragging about it the same way she keeps bragging about the Dick and Liz Cheney endorsements, as though they were worthy of bragging about.

The good news is that this supposedly will be the only "debate" between these two scary clowns.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Return of Russiagate

Despite the best efforts of her Joyful Vibe Machine, Kamala Harris remains in a statistical dead heat with Donald Trump.

So with only two months to go before Election Day, the Uniparty has had to augment the joy with some good old-fashioned fear-mongering. Just when you thought the debunked Russiagate vampire narrative was resting safely in its grave, the stake of sanity thrust firmly in its heart, its producers have come back to haunt us with yet another cheesy sequel.

It's even more gruesomely  gory messaging than usual in this election cycle, because the US is actually at physical war with Russia via its client state, Ukraine. And a Trump victory, we are told, might slow or even stop the flow of billions of dollars in weaponry, the profits of which continue to  enrich investors and corporations beyond their wildest dreams. 

So the Paper of Record and the Uniparty have no other choice but to spread the word that if you are opoosed to this war or  or even worse, openly express your negative opinions about this war,  you just might be a Trump supporter and/or or a Putin puppet. You are at least the"unwitting" victim of another Russian disinformation and election-interference campaign.

If you're not careful, you may even end up in a a criminal courtroom!

 The New York Times, perhaps the premier self-professed media guardian against the alleged plague of "disinformation" sweeping the globe, wasn't taking any chances in its Tuesday edition.  It  was even forced to fight Bad Disinformation with Less-bad Disinformation! 

"Activists Charged With Pushing Russian Propaganda Go on Trial in Florida" was the false and misleading home page headline,  strategically placed right below its coverage of the Ukraine war, which is not going particularly well these days. 

Since the spreading of propaganda - Russian or otherwise - is not a criminal offense in the United States thanks to the First Amendment, the Times headline is deliberately and patently false.

It is not until deep into the article that the Times bothers to correctly report that the actual charge is not the spreading of propaganda at all. The crime alleged is simply the activists' failure to register as agents of a foreign government.  Their acceptance of relatively small donations or payments from a Russian national to help finance a run for local office is apparently the gist of their perfidy.

 But the damage was done in the headline. Many readers of news don't read beyond the headline or lead of any given news story.

The subhead of the Times article continues the subterfuge, citing "experts" who have been warning us that Russia has "tried for decades to secretly influence American politics."

However, the only expert that the article quotes by name is one Bret Schafer, a "senior fellow" at the German Marshall Fund,  weapons industry-funded NATO think tank located in Washington.

In the Florida case, which did not result in any pro-Russia candidate elected to public office, the payoff for Russia may seem exceedingly small. But on a broader level, Mr. Schafer said, Russia wants more “authentic” American groups to adopt Russia’s perspective.

“Even if they are not in a real position of power,” he said, “if you can infiltrate and influence enough of these groups and have them at some level adopting positions that are beneficial to you — and that doesn’t necessarily mean pro-Russian positions, but just to further radicalize them and create further divisions — we know that’s obviously a win for Russia."

The subterfuge still continues.  The Times has failed to inform readers that Schafer's expertise is limited to his creation of the notorious Hamilton 68 Dashboard, which purported to list hundreds of Twitter users as Russian bots or trolls trying to  mess with our free, fair and democratic elections. Journalist Matt Taibbi exposed the dashboard last year as a complete fraud, and verified that many if not most of the accounts belonged to innocent citizens who were unaware of their placement on the phony blacklist.

The fake dashboard has risen from the grave under the new name of Hamilton 2.0 and Schafer continues his role as go-to source for any corporate media outlet invested in the lucrative Russiagate franchise. Don't they say that love is better the second time around?

In case you're wondering how Schafer got to be such an expert , look no further than his website bio. Before embarking on a career in professional Russophobia,he worked as a writer at the Cartoon Network.

The Russiagate franchise is just starting to get its second (or third or fourth or fifth) wind. 

Of course, since no one fraudster or clown can  sell the Russiagate product all byhis lonesome, the Times followed up the next day with an announcement that the entire "United States Announces Plan to Counter Russian Influence Ahead of 3024 Election."

Just in case you aren't taking the cautionary tale of those Florida defendants seriously enough, or  scoffing at AOC's vicious attack on Jill Stein, the Times is here to inform you that as either witting or unwitting tools of the Kremlin, you may be subject to searches and seizures of your computers, your websites with resulting criminal indictments and even economic sanctions! You may be under FBI investigation right this very minute:

"The Justice Department and the F.B.I. have also been investigating a handful of Americans accused of knowingly spreading false Kremlin narratives. But officials have emphasized that they are not aiming to curb free speech. Americans who merely repeat or spread stories they see on Russian state media are not being investigated as part of the efforts, officials said."

I love the way they claim that their McCarthyism does not infringe upon the First Amendment. You can think or write or say anything you want. Just know that they are watching you.

Ray McGovern over at Consortium News quotes the article at greater length, suggesting  that the latest version of Russiagate is designed to make American citizens amenable to a direct war on Russia. And that means getting Kamala Harris elected.

The latest indication that the U.S. is already under rule by one state party is Liz Cheney's endorsement of Harris. She is already being floated for a cabinet position in a next Democratic administration. And that makes it more pressing for the media-political complex to overcome what's known as the Vietnam Syndrome: the distaste of US citizens for war and imperialsm. If they were able to cure this syndrome temporarily with Daddy Dick Cheney's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, they think they can overcome it again, by making war and mass death so damned bipartisan and downright joyful.

Send in the clowns, indeed.

"If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear!"