Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Plague of Election Year Drought

As a consolation prize for to make up for the orchestrated dearth of meaningful choices on the ballot, New York is letting us vote early this year.  For the first time in my voting career, all third party candidates have been erased from the official document that just arrived in the mail. No Green Party, no Libertarian party, not even a Rent Is Too Damned High Party. The document is a vast desert of wasted white paper. The tiny printed names of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are the mirages, cruelly mocking all of those vainly searching for an oasis of democracy.

 The parchment offers no respite to the parched.

Not that the pair of candidates vying for the 18th Congressional Distric seatt are any more promising. Far from it, in fact, given that each of them is a xenophobic reactionary.

 The incumbent,, Pat Ryan, was one of only a couple dozen of "moderate" House Democrats who voted to censure their own Palestinian-American colleague, Rashida Tlaib. He gave a big thumbs-up to a resolutions that defined  opposition to Israel as anti-Semitism. He has enthusiastically voted for every war appropriations  and surveillance bill  put before him. As a former Army intelligence officer stationed in Iraq, Ryan is stll every inch the military man. His campaign ads and incessant robocalls boast that he is "not your usual Democrat".  One TV spot actually shows him wrestling with his young children rather than, say,  hugging them or reading to them. He suggests it was he, and he alone,  who dared to talk tough to Joe Biden about supporting Donald Trump's draconian border policies so as to convince Republicans to support Ukraine War funding. No matter that it was a moot point, because Trump himself nixed the cruel border legislation out of pure partisan spite... and the Ukraine War funding was approved anyway.

Ryan's Republican opponent, Alison Espositio, is a retired New York City police inspector who is laboring under the delusion that this bucolic upstate district is rife with violent crime perpetrated by - who else? - those alien hordes. So her platform is pretty much limited to restoring cash bail, thus ensuring once again that poor defendants will languish in jail pending trial - or to be completely accurate about it, a forced plea deal simply because they can't afford a private trial attorney.

The main difference between Ryan and Esposito is that he supports abortion rights and she does not. The Democrats didn't codify Roe v Wade when they had the chance for the very important reason that doing so would have robbed them of their best campaign wedge issue.

All is not lost, however. The incumbent Democrat in my State Senate district, Michelle Hinchey, is reliably progressive on most issues. And in the Assembly, incumbent Sarahana Shrestha is a self-described socialist who recently introduced a bill which would  take our privately-owned utility (Central Hudson) public after it bilked customers out of millions of dollars in a crooked billing scheme. (Pat Ryan's boast of fighting the utility involved his office forwarding constituents' complaints to the state's regulatory Public Service Commission and a floor speech demanding the resignation of its former CEO, who was promptly replaced by another market-based, investor-serving company apparatchik.)

So, since October is the storied month of surprises, and events are bouncing off each other with the speed of blight, I have placed my precious voting parchment into a drawer with no plans of sending it in until the very last possible minute. 

Any of the aforementioned candidates who renounce war and capitalism and, for good measure, kicks at least one of their billionaire donors in the rear end in full public view has a pretty good chance of earning my vote. I say "chance" because some or even most of them will say anything or pull any stunt to retain or gain power.

Meanwhile, how  ironic that in such an orchestrated electoral drought, we keep getting flooded with their calls, their ads, their fear-mongering appeals for the "grass roots" cash that for many of us, doesn't even begin to cover the food, the rent and the medical bills.

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