Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Biden: Brain-Dead Is As Brain-Dead Does

You have to be "brain-dead" if you don't believe in climate change, remarked Joe Biden as he briefly peered at the catastrophic damage in North Carolina this week. This was just days before an even deadlier storm blew up in record time to a Category Five monster in the  overheated Gulf of Mexico.

Now, as much as we might be tempted to accuse Biden himself of being effectively brain-dead, he still has enough functioning  neurons left not to say the quiet part out loud: that there is a proven connection between the trillions of galloons of water unleashed by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, and the trillions of dollars expended to wage the US Hegemon's endless genocidal wars around the globe.

The American military is the world's single largest greenhouse gas polluter, consuming and spewing more hurricane-spawning hydrocarbon than any other institution on earth.

And ironically enough, Biden has been forced to cancel a meeting in Germany to plot and finance another escalation in his Ukraine-Russia war. And then he was due to fly to Angola immediately thereafter to plot how best to plunder that poor African nation of its oil reserves and precious minerals with which to fuel "the greatest and most lethal fighting force the world has ever known." 

So as much as Biden often brags that "we're the United States of America for God's sake - there's nothing we can't do!" the president has been forced to stay in Washington so as to "oversee" preparations and response to the latest hurricane. This oversight, as the White House readily admits through its New York Times mouthpiece, is largely cosmetic, to avoid accusations by Republicans that Biden is ignoring a crisis in the Homeland. So he will don his special NOAA bomber jacket for the usual photo-op. He should probably continue wearing it as he phones Netanyahu to tell him on what refugee camp or apartment complex or humanitarian food aid convoy to drop his endless supply of those Made-in-the-USA 2,000-lb bombs.

And with FEMA grotesquely underfunded  only 10 percent staffed. what of the climate refugees back in the states? Even what remains of the middle class can't escape the devastation. Witness upscale Asheville, North Carolina and what's in store for Tampa, Florida, where gas stations have already run dry in the mad rush to escape.

Something tells me that Democrats sneering at the Trumpies who don't "believe," as they so piously do, in climate change, is not going to impress voters for much longer. They're already trying to sell us on "resilience" rather than such rectifying measures as stopping the wars and imposing huge fines and taxes on billionaires who fly on private jets, sail the seas on their mega-yachts and can't even remember where their multiple mansions are even located.

Of course, to paraphrase Frederic Jamison, it's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism. So we have to struggle all that much harder, not  not to get sucked into their propaganda matrix, not to descend into their horrific maelstrom.

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