Monday, May 27, 2024

Some Corpses Are More Worthy Than Others

 In a macabre exercise in  Orwellian double-think, President Biden has officially declared that a "prayer for peace" be uttered by one and all on this Memorial Day. Even the chattering war-mongers of the weapons manufacturer-sponsored  corporate media followed orders and at least shut up for a hot minute of silence - before drowning out the sacred bell-tolling with the normal discussion of who to bomb next.

And even as Biden and his fellow politicians all bowed their own heads in simulation of prayer for peace, the bombs and ammo were en route with a vengeance to Israel, Ukraine,  and wherever else on the planet that fine war products are sold.

Honoring all the dead American troops for having made the "ultimate sacrifice" for the sake of an "idea"  serves the purpose of our never-ending state of war by separating the dead professional killers (potential if not actual) from the killed. Those who die while waring a uniform and holding a gun are declared to be more respectable, and thereby more  more grievable,  than "official" enemy combatants and unarmed civilians alike.

Putting a halo on dead soldiers also lets the masters of war ignore the fact that war is in its modern essence a capitalistic enterprise, designed to protect and enhance the power and the profits of the few.  So if they use words like "freedom" and "democracy" and "sacred" often enough to justify their mass murder, it is that much easier to separate, demote and dehumanize all those non-uniformed men, women and children. At best these victims  are barely sympathetic "collateral damage." At worst they are the complicit "human shields" of the latest designated enemy.

They are deemed not worthy of grief on this Memorial Day. 

As  Simone  Weil wrote in her brilliant antiwar essay, with the epic antiwar poem  the Iliad as her centerpiece, the victims of war are conveniently transformed into "things."  If If the masters of war can magically transform people into things even before  violently killing them, it naturally follows that they are also mere things after their deaths.

Weil's opening paragraph:

" Force employed by man, force that enslaves man, force before which man’s flesh shrinks away. In this work, at all times, the human spirit is shown as modified by its relations with force, as swept away, blinded, by the very force it imagined it could handle, as deformed by the weight of the force it submits to. For those dreamers who considered that force, thanks to progress, would soon be a thing of the past, the Iliad could appear as an historical document; for others, whose powers of recognition are more acute and who perceive force, today as yesterday, at the very center of human history, the Iliad is the purest and the loveliest of mirrors."

War, she continues, makes a person into a thing by literally turning him or her either into a pre-corpse or an actual one. "Somebody is here, and the next minutes, nobody is here at all."

The occult purpose of Memorial Day, therefore,  is not so much about honoring the designated  war heroes as it is  it is about honoring - and fearing -  the force and the power that they represent. It's a bait and switch holiday that allows "us" to mawkishly bow our heads for a minute before firing up the barbeque for the official start of summer.

And even as they're urging us to join in their maudlin festivities of death, hamburgers and fun in the sun, they're also trying to make us feel guilty that we ourselves have not been elevated to their rarefied ranks of either  potential or actual war dead. 

In both the  United Kingdom and the United States, there are renewed calls from rulers for more lumpen folk to enlist for Permawar - euphemized as patriotic "national service."

"Only one percent of Americans serving in the military is problematic"  scolded Rep. Pat Ryan, Democrat (from my own Hudson Valley district). The military-industrial complex sent him and his GOP partner, Mike Waltz of Florida, to a Sunday talk show in order to gaslight the audience on Memorial Day weekend. The public-private war industry made sure to send bona fide US Army veterans. It simply wouldn't have done to use, for example, the actual commander in chief, who during the Vietnam war enjoyed five separate draft deferments due to a case of chronic asthma from which has since apparently recovered.

Ryan and Waltz were quick to deny that their bipartisan push for enhanced financing for military recruitment in any way presages a return to the draft, (which was more egalitarian in the Vietnam era, when even upper middle class guys couldn't always avoid becoming cannon fodder). Recruitment will still be done according to class and be heavily concentrated in low-income school districts.

Moreover, they are insisting that mandatory national service wouldn't necessarily entail putting on a uniform or carrying a weapon. They do understand that there are still some pacifists out there, especially among the young people protesting their genocide of Palestinians.

Rather, they mask their nationalistic propaganda in the rhetoric of  social service, with Waltz gushing that it "could" include "national parks, inner city tutoring, elderly (sic) care."

And we all know (wink, wink, nod) that not only would this national service be either low paid or voluntary, it would also free up more money for the weapons contractors - money which is now being wasted on the public education of poor Black and Brown kids public schools in those "inner cities" and that all that Medicare money going to nursing care for old people could be going to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, not to mention their  Wall Street investors.

In other words, they have "things"-both with uniforms and without - all figured out.


Thought Criminal said...

You know those 9 million mostly male, able-bodied undocumented immigrants who've entered just during the 3+ years of Biden's reign of (t)error?

It turns out that under the Selective Service System, even undocumented 18-25 males are required to register with the SSS, within 30 days of entering the country.

I also recently discovered that a requirement for mandatory national service is reportedly in the next NDAA, the always massive National Defense Authorization Act where all the goodies for the MIC/National Security State are tucked away.

Sounds like the Selective Service System might need a lot more funding soon for all the new warrior heroes for peace.

Valerie said...

I don't think many young people are buying "fighting for freedom / democracy" or "serving your country / dying for your country" or any of the other euphemisms given to paper over the truth. If you sign up to be part of the military, you are really signing up to kill and maim - and possibly to be killed, maimed or psychologically damaged - for the Military/Industrial/Congressional Complex so that corporations can exploit or outright steal from vulnerable citizens of poor countries. The Libertarians get it and so do the young people who are getting their geopolitical news and information from outside the MSM. The only people still drinking the Kool-Aid are the Duopoly party faithful - And to these propagandized people, Memorial Day holds a moment of significance. I mean, it isn't their sons and daughters doing the fighting - nor is it their homes and neighbourhoods being destroyed. Their safety remains intact. So, they take a day to reminisce about a time when America stood for freedom and democracy against brutal fascism and genocide and ride on the tailcoats of that history. They can live in the past and ignore the reality that America has become everything it once despised.

I can only hope that we will return to the attitudes of the 60's where the police, the CIA and military misadventures in countries most Americans can't find on a map are treated with suspicion. Maybe those ideas should be what we memorialise on Memorial Day rather than glorify the poor souls who were either conscripted or duped into taking part in the soul-destroying monster we call war.

Valerie said...

Former US president Donald Trump vowed to a group of donors on 27 May that he would “crush” the pro-Palestine student movement across the country if re-elected.

He also said he would “deport” foreign students protesting the genocide in Gaza and promised to “defeat” demonstrators that he said were part of a “radical revolution” across US campuses.

“If you get me re-elected, we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years,” the former president said. Trump also praised the New York police for violently clearing out pro-Palestine encampments at Columbia University late last month.

“It has to be stopped now,” he said in response to a concern one of the donors raised about students and faculty members from protesting universities potentially holding positions of power in the future.

Trump also said he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.”

The Cradle, MAY 28, 2024

The only option is Stein.

Missing Jay said...

Interesting - Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, has voted against giving money to Israel. He isn't particularly moral - He simply believes that the US taxpayer shouldn't be having to fund foreign aid to any other country- because the US is in debt and simply can't afford to be giving money away when we need it at home. AIPAC threw hundreds of thousands of dollars of negative advertising at the Congressional election in an arrogant effort to beat Massie and Massie fought back. He won with 76% of the vote.

To me, this is a very encouraging sign. Aside from Zionists (both Christian and Jewish) in the U.S., I would bet that most people don't think that the US can afford to spend billions upon billions of dollars to fund wars that don't involve a threat to our safety - especially, when there is a genocide taking place. Could the tide be turning against Israel?

It would seem to me, anyone who AIPAC gets in their sights should simply campaign on the slogan, My Vote Is Not For Sale! I am being targeted because I am David standing up to Goliath. Let's hope Massie's win is going to be an inspiration to others - and is going to make both Biden and Trump look even worse.

Erik Roth said...

“This Is a Crime”: Ken Roth [no relation] on Israel’s Secret War Targeting the ICC to Derail War Crimes Charges —
May 30, 2024
NERMEEN SHAIKH: ... An investigation by CNN found Israel attacked the camp using munitions made in the United States by Boeing. White House national security spokesperson John Kirby was questioned Tuesday by Ed O’Keefe of CBS News.

ED O’KEEFE: How does this not violate the red line that the president laid out?

JOHN KIRBY: As I said, we don’t want to see a major ground operation. We haven’t seen that at this point.

ED O’KEEFE: How many more charred corpses does he have to see before the president considers a change in policy?

JOHN KIRBY: We don’t want to see a single more innocent life taken. And I kind of take a little offense at the question. No civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. And this is not something that we’ve turned a blind eye to, nor has it been something we’ve ignored or neglected to raise with our Israeli counterparts, including, Ed, this weekend as a result of this particular strike. Now, they’re investigating it, so let’s let them investigate it and see what they come up with.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: So, Ken, if you could respond to Kirby’s response, and then, overall, the Biden administration’s position on this and, in fact, on the ICC, which you referred to earlier?

KENNETH ROTH: Well, Biden seems to have an endlessly movable red line.



How much poison are you willing
to eat for the success of the free
market and global trade? Please
name your preferred poisons.

For the sake of goodness, how much
evil are you willing to do?
Fill in the following blanks
with the names of your favorite
evils and acts of hatred.

What sacrifices are you prepared
to make for culture and civilization?
Please list the monuments, shrines,
and works of art you would
most willingly destroy

In the name of patriotism and
the flag, how much of our beloved
land are you willing to desecrate?
List in the following spaces
the mountains, rivers, towns, farms
you could most readily do without.

State briefly the ideas, ideals, or hopes,
the energy sources, the kinds of security;
for which you would kill a child.
Name, please, the children whom
you would be willing to kill.

~ Wendell Berry
from Leavings.
© Counterpoint, 2010.

Thought Criminal said...

Genocide Joes's big announcement about 'Israel's' new peace plan was truly head-spinning nonsense. It's the same plan Hamas agreed to last month which Nutty rejected, just as he promptly rejected this 'Israeli' plan.

Biden also urged people to keep protesting to put pressure on their leaders to accept the deal. Who was he addressing? Israelis to pressure the Israeli gov't to accept the 'Israeli' plan? Palestinians to pressure Hamas for a deal they already agreed to? Americans protesting his Bombs-For-Babies genocide of Palestinians? Funny that he talks as if leaders actually listen to protesters. Maybe they do in a real Democracy.

Biden even promised that if this deal is accepted, Palestinians would be able to go back to their homes. WTF? What homes?

Anyway, does he actually think that point would help sell the plan to Israelis??? Or to Palestinians who can no longer even identify their neighborhoods in the bloody rubble??? In what universe does Biden live?

"It's time to end this war!" The polls must be really scaring him. He's scaring me - a war criminal deemed too mentally incompetent to stand trial for minor crimes yet has his gnarled fingers on the nuclear button.

But I suspect the real reason he wants to wrap up this 'war' is that WW3 is calling.

Thought Criminal said...

I forgot the part where Biden said we'd pay for reconstruction of Gaza. That should go over big with Israelis - they can keep their free health care paid for by Americans and get new beachfront condos along the Gaza coastline.

It should go over like a lead balloon with residents of Lahaina, East Palestine, Flint, Paradise, and everyone in between.

Disgusted in Australia said...

I think what Thought Criminal wrote should be the big story. I wish the American people actually cared about suffering and totalitarian violence, but it seems there are plenty who are selfish enough to turn a blind eye. But . . . a promise to rebuild Gaza? When our own infrastructure is falling apart? For the benefit of the evil ones who have kept this war going? I don't see the MAGA crowd going along with it.

And where are all the Republicans who are wanting to cut "entitlements" because America doesn't have the money? Surely, they can all be shamed on this one.

This Israeli/U.S. war on all that is humane and decent is really showing our government "leaders" up for the bought off hypocrites they are.

Thought Criminal said...

After listening to Biden gaslighting us with words about the 'Israel deal', I got thinking about all the gaslighting with numbers. Here's some examples and I won't even go into economics which is all bogus.

It's been said for the past 6 months that 30,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, when it's even mentioned at all. Months later it's still said to be 30,000 despite continual bombing, infections, disease, and forced starvation. Ralph Nader estimates it's actually ~200,000.

20 years ago the number of illegal crossings along our southern border was estimated to be 10 million. It's still quoted as being 10 million as if no new crossings occurred in the past decades, never mind the 9 million who've entered just during Biden's first 3 years. Biden just announced a new Executive Order with quota numbers just as the summer heat severely limits immigration, so he can claim success right before the election. Cooler weather and increased immigration conveniently doesn't return until November.

For years it's been reported that there are 800 U.S. military bases around the world. Just recently, I stumbled upon foreign press articles that mentioned 4 new U.S. bases were added in the Philippines and 2 more in Finland. But since these (and how many others in Jordan and elsewhere) are owned by those nations and only leased by the USA, they will never be officially included. So the official count remains at 800 but it's certainly closer to 1000.

Sorry to disappoint but news from the Stein campaign is that as a result of the 'democratic' Empire State of NY recently increasing the number of signatures needed to get on the ballot and shortening the time frame to collect and submit them, NY has officially denied Jill Stein a spot on NY's Presidential ballot. They sure have a funny way of saving 'our (their) Democracy'. In NY they do it with numbers.

And let's not forget the big number 3, as in WW3, which has already started against the 'Axis of Evil', CRINK - China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. But the term WW3 must never be mentioned lest it $pook$ the Market. WW3 is a hybrid military/economic war and despite our vaunted military might and full-spectrum dominance, economics remains the Empire's Achilles heel.

Finally, all credit goes to Genocide Joe/Bomber Biden who's now even flirting with nuclear war - The Big One/1 indeed - for proving to the world just how brutal and degenerate the Anglo-American Empire really is. It has no regard for children, babies, people in general, for animals, plants, climate and even Nature, just MONEY and POWER.

The mask is fully off and the days of the Anglo-American Empire are numbered. The countdown to ZERO/0 Day has begun. Xiexie ni Zhonghua!

Erik Roth said...

"Thought Criminal" -- I had to DuckDuckGo for your last exclamation (eschewing Google that's gone evil), and thought this might be apropos (although dated, so perhaps things have changed):

"Hoodwinked, An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded -- and What We Need to Do to Remake Them", by John Perkins, Broadway Books, NY, 2009.
>>>--from Chapter 14: China - A Lesson in Transformation-->

As I stood on the deck of our boat, Deng Xiaoping's description of a "market economy with socialist characteristics" popped into mind. I had learned from the students that while Mao is often discredited, Deng is revered as the father of modern China. In the early 1980s he decreed that Shanghai would lead the nation into an economic revival like nothing the world had ever before witnessed. The decry worked. He also proclaimed that "getting rich is glorious."

"The Chinese people, including Deng, still to this day are influenced by the ideas of Confucius concerning respect for hierarchy," Mandy said when I pointed out to her that Deng's words echoed Milton Friedman's philosophy. A cool breeze floated off the river, and an oil tanker passed by, a dark shadow among the lights, headed out to sea. "We grow up here understanding that serving our families is the most important thing we can do. Our families extend to our communities and the nation. Deng Xiaoping should be understood in that context."

It was a profound observation. If you promote the concept that making profits is the sole goal of business -- or getting rich is glorious -- in a culture that views the group as more important than the individual, you arrive at a wholly different interpretation of capitalism than when you apply it to a culture that emphasizes rugged individualism. The latter will look out for the greater good only when regulations mandate it, while the former will do so because the ethic is ingrained in them.

Mario said...

Mexico now has its first female President. It's being celebrated by some as if sex alone does make a difference. For better or worse is unknown. That prospect was put into grave doubt when our leading female presidential contender travelled all the way to Israel so to autograph an artillery shell to be fired at Gaza with the wishful inscription, "Finish them." This is a sort of pilgrimage to kiss the feet of genocide. I'm sure she'll be front and center when, by invitation, the speech to congress is delivered by Netanyahu to clean up his image as one of history's great war criminals.

stranger in a strange land said...

Hi Erik, your reference to American rugged individualism reminded me of a cherished Wendell Berry quote that puts the lie to that very mythos vs. actual ethos:

We Americans are not usually thought to be a submissive people, but of course we are. Why else would we allow our country to be destroyed? Why else would we be rewarding its destroyers? Why else would we all — by proxies we have given to greedy corporations and corrupt politicians — be participating in its destruction? Most of us are still too sane to piss in our own cistern, but we allow others to do so and we reward them for it. We reward them so well, in fact, that those who piss in our cistern are wealthier than the rest of us.

How do we submit? By not being radical enough. Or by not being thorough enough, which is the same thing.

Erik Roth said...

Stranger -- Yes, Berry brilliantly hits the bulls-eye.
"Individualism, at first, only saps the virtues of public life; but in the long run it attacks and destroys all others and is at length absorbed in selfishness."
~ Alexis de Tocqueville

stranger in a strange land said...

Cultural emphasis on individualism is by design, perhaps: the ultimate divide-and-conquer.

MissingJay said...

Scott Ritter has been speaking out on the Biden policies around Ukraine and Israel - quite loudly - and was on his way to the St Petersburg International Forum in Russia, when his passport was seized by the state department, violating many of Scott's constitutional rights as an American citizen. (for a good discussion with Larry Wilkerson,

I can't help but remember my parents talking about so many things like this that happened in the Soviet Union when I was a child. What has America come to? We have become the very thing we used to hate. Our government is becoming more and more authoritarian, our media only spouts government propaganda, people who speak the truth are treated as dissidents or criminals, our economy is in shambles and we are terrifyingly more and more warlike.

And I agree with @Erik and @Stranger, individualism manifesting itself in selfishness, greed and a psychopathic lack of compassion enables our citizenry to turn a blind eye to what our government is doing in our name.

Thought Criminal said...

I'm currently reading The Hunger Games trilogy and was surprised by the parallels with the genocide in Gaza.

As it turns out, I already have the real life Gaza visuals from social media to accompany the fictional blood and gore, corpses, utter destruction, and hunger from forced starvation. All I see as I read is Gaza.

I didn't expect this when I randomly checked this book out at the library, curious as to what all the old hoopla was about. It sure isn't the escapism I thought it would be.

I never saw the movie and I'm still on book 3 so I don't know how it all turns out, but I sure as Hell know how I want it to end!

Thought Criminal said...

Addendum - The first volume of The Hunger Games series was published 16 years ago and the next two volumes shortly thereafter.

One example that stands out in the book and in Gaza is the ubiquitous use of high tech 'hovercraft' [Israeli drones] to monitor, control movement, spy, shoot, harass, and terrorize. That would include the same evil practice of using them to broadcast AI generated cries and screams of children to lure responders into the open for snipers to shoot in the case of Israel. In The Hunger Games that tactic was used to psychologically torment victims by generating voices intended to sound like their individual loved ones were being tortured. Same difference, pure evil except one of them is real life evil. Wherever did Collins even get that idea that's now been 'Israelized'?

There are some differences. Instead of pitting Tributes against each other in competitive survival games, Israel is the sole player, the soulless master of prisoners being ordered under threat of death to run and hide from bombs which are intended to hit them only after they've been corraled/kettled in an ostensible 'safe zone' designated by Israel. Even Suzanne Collins couldn't imagine the depth of their cruelty.

Unlike in The Hunger Games where deaths are broadcast by the Capitol for all to see, Israel has tried to eliminate all coverage of its crimes by assassinating journalists, prohibiting foreign press coverage, and disputing and denying the number of Palestinians deaths. Israel won't even show proof of killing any Hamas freedom-fighters even though IDF have body cameras and their drones have cameras. They have plenty of TikTok footage of themselves celebrating their kills and mocking Palestinians but the rare footage of 'combat' never shows any crossfire or Hamas bodies, just bombs blowing up buildings or staged displays of Hamas weapons.

In Part 3 Mockingjay, after the bombing of what remains of a ruined hospital filled with wounded and dying men, women, and children and killing them all, Katniss asks "Why would they do that? Why would they target people who are already dying?" Gale responds: "Scare others off. Prevent the wounded from seeking help... If the Capitol wins, what will it do with a bunch of damaged slaves?"

Katniss: "I want to tell people that if you think for one second the Capitol will treat us fairly if there's a cease-fire, you're deluding yourself. Because you know who they are and what they do."

"If we burn, you burn with us!" she yells to the Capitol in a recorded message.

Gee, if only WE had a leader in real life.

(I'm still not finished with Part 3 yet. Slowing it down to savor it before it ends.)

Mark Thomason said...

"President Biden has officially declared that a "prayer for peace" be uttered by one and all on this Memorial Day."

If I were to do that, it would be a prayer to stop Biden from doing the things he is so urgently pushing in Gaza and Ukraine. It would be a prayer to save us from what he does.

Valerie said...


I will go back and dig into the Hunger Games again. I always find dystopian novels incredibly depressing. Fifteen years ago, I didn't really understand what was going on in Israel/Palestine. I thought neither side really wanted peace, only to win. Now I know differently - the world knows differently. I hear dystopian novels referred to frequently these days.

Interesting how Biden refers to Putin as Hitler, when he, himself, is in bed with Hitler. Yet, the party faithful lie to themselves, or simply lie. And the Maga people lie to themselves. Everyone is waiting for a saviour - but there won't be a saviour coming from the West. Our best hope was Jeremy Corbin.

Thought Criminal said...

That phony U.S. 'food aid pier'? It was used as a Trojan horse in the Hostage Rescue Massacre as a military staging area. IDF commandeered humanitarian aid vehicles from the pier (another war crime) for commandos to hide inside and used the beachhead for helicopters.

Stupid me knew from the start that it wasn't for food but thought it was to force evacuation of Palestinians. Little did I realize that would be far too humane. Instead it was intended as a military lily pad to get closer to central and southern refugee camps where they kettled them so they could more easily conduct massacres and finish their genocide.

So how long have they known about the location of hostages that they 'found'? Yes indeed, I am finally and totally skeptical about everything Israel and the US. It's stupid not to be. The media is even getting so blatant in their lies on behalf of the US/Israeli genocide that I'd laugh if it wasn't so damned tragic.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them, and accept the reality that they're capable of even worse atrocities, tricks, and lies. After all, deceit is their MO. Keeping us stupid and naive is their Superpower. You can never think evil enough to grasp what Israel does and will do thanks to the unconditional, iron-clad support of brain-dead Butcher Biden. What's holding up that ICC arrest warrant for the War Criminal-in-Chief? Oh right. Personal threats from the Empire.

This was all ostensibly to rescue 4 hostages who appear so hearty, healthy, and well nourished that if you didn't hear otherwise you'd think they spent the entire time in Israel instead of Gaza. Btw, that video of the woman hostage being taken away on the back of the motorcycle from the concert? The first time I saw it I thought it looked hokey as if it was AI generated or staged given the blurred background and odd camera movements. It still looks weird as I watch it replayed by the Zionist-owned media. Just saying...

Iran, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Palestine is calling for help. Hurry!!!

Valerie said...

"The “rules-based international order” has always provided immunity for the United States and its close allies, an immunity whose hypocrisy has increasingly been revealed. It is this double-standard that has provoked the collapse of the U.S.-driven world order."

Vijay Prashad: The No-Rules International Order

No one likes a bully and hypocrisy is a repellent quality. It reeks of unfairness, something all decent people are pre-wired to dislike.